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A Belated Happy New Year ✨

Scrubs, Scalpels & High Heels

It's only February, so it's not too late to say happy new year, guys! I have truly missed you! Someone should have prepared me for this adulting. Sighs. Last year ended with so much chaos I couldn't put my thoughts together to share a holiday blog or even do my ritual end-of-year reflections. But during the holidays, looking for inspiration, I bought Michelle Obama's 'The Light we Carry'. On the back cover, she said, " If you know your light, you know yourself. You know your own story in an honest way".

" If you know your light, you know yourself. You know your own story in an honest way"- Michelle Obama.

These lines sunk really deep. It reminded me of my story, my strength, and how far I've come. I realised that in the middle of all the changes and struggles, I still have much to be thankful for. I started thinking through the last 12 months. 2022 was my year. I accomplished so much in the first half of the year. I finished year one of my Ortho residency with a bang. I graduated with my second master's degree with distinction. I had the opportunity to present a paper at a Harvard Global Surgery Seminar, I started a research fellowship with one of the most prominent surgical colleges in the world, I added another publication to my name, I rediscovered my love for the outdoors, I made time for self-care, I watched my twin brother's baby project come to life, my best friend was going to have another baby, my not-so-little-anymore brother was getting married to the love of his life... Oh, I was happy.

My heart was so lit up by everything happening around me. I was basically living my dream and then some. But then, all of this seemed overshadowed by the challenges of the latter part of the year. One minute, I was on cloud 9, and the next, life was changing so fast I could barely keep up. It seemed as if the walls were closing in on me. So often, I start writing something to share, but my mind wanders, or something comes up and the post ends up in drafts rather than published stories. It's hard to share real, honest or inspiring stories when your life seems to be falling apart. I'm grateful for the love, grace and mercy that found and kept me.

One of the biggest lessons I learnt last year was that, in the end, all you have is you. When all the background noise quietens, at the end of the day, all you have is your mind. What you feed your mind and how you care for it will carry you through the roughest times. Everybody may think they know what's happening with you, but no one really knows. But you! I totally get why Michelle Obama said you know your story most honestly.

Anyway, we're in a new year, and I am grateful for the chance of a fresh start. The good this year will outweigh the bad. I know that this year there will be more steps to celebrate, more victories, along with moments of fear and tumbling. And in each of these moments, I will thrive. I will rise and rebuild stronger and better. I will celebrate each stride and learn from every fall. My choices will be mine to make and to own. I will continue to live authentically and on my terms. I will be bolder in brightness. I will reside in grace and be happy for where I am, who I am and whose I am. I will be kind, spread love and move away from whatever takes away my peace. Pink skies are ahead, and I am walking into that future with my head and shoulders held high. And if you're reading this, I want all this for you too!

I hope you have a fantastic year!!

Until next time,

Love, light, glitter and sparkles!✨

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